Food Choices | How Your Diet Affects Your Health | Health & Wellness | FULL DOCUMENTARY

Food Choices | How Your Diet Affects Your Health | Health & Wellness | FULL DOCUMENTARY

Join award-winning filmmaker Michal Siewierski on his three-year journey to expose the truth about our food choices. This ground-breaking documentary explores the impact that food choices have on peopleโ€™s health, the health of our planet and on the lives of other living species. And also discusses several misconceptions about food and diet, offering a unique new perspective on these issues. Featuring interviews with 28 world-renowned experts, including Dr. T Colin Campbell, Joe Cross, Dr. John McDougall, Capitan Paul Watson, Dr. Michael Greger, Rich Roll, Dr. Richard Oppenlander, Dr Toni Bark and several others. This film will certainly change the way you look at the food on your plate.

#documentary #healthyfood #diet #health #wellness #fullmovie

Directed by: Michal Siewierski

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  1. I eat a LOT of oils, mostly olive oil and I weigh less than that blonde gal. Im almost 50 and my BMI is 18 and has been for 30 years (gave up meat at that time) portion control ia actually important too to give your gut a rest to digest!

  2. FOOD HABITS IN LATER LIFE STUDY was undertaken among five cohorts in Japan, Sweden, Greece and Australia. Legumes were found to be the most important dietary predictor of survival in older people of different ethnicities. The results showed that for every 20 grams (one ounce) increase in daily legumes intake there was an 8% reduction in the risk of death. This study shows that no matter what your ethnic background or where you live, eat more legumes to live longer, especially as you age. Of all the food groups including meat, legumes alone had consistent and statistically significant results.

  3. I donโ€™t understand the Keto, Carnivore, Atkins diets. You will never find a Cardiologist that approves this fat filled diet.

  4. "The fat you eat is the fat you wear"; "You don’t feel hunger as much when your diet is low on carbs because you are sick"… I do agree with the main theme of the film, but some claims are controversial and would benefit from deeper explanations.

  5. Iโ€™m so grateful for all of the plant based doctors and promoters! Documentaries like these changed my perspective and helped improve my health. My BP, and cholesterol are in the optimal range and my inflammation and pain has improved greatly. My hair and nails grow fast and are strong ๐Ÿ’ช as well.

  6. if you cut meat and dairy grains and processed foods, oils and sugars you get healthier
    if you cut veggies fruits grains and processed foods, sugar and oils you get healthier
    see common culprit avoid advise from vegan and meat supporters just eat single ingredient foods and avoid sugar and oils

  7. Thanks so much for sharing your journey and this very informative doco. One of the best so far. At the end the comment was made that we are asleep and so true. The matrix, waken and steep outside of the matrix ( the generational program,
    And what is it I can do today, be the change

  8. Plants are full of toxicants and antinutrients. Our digestion system does not digest fiber and cellulose like orangutans. Humans thrive in carnivore diets.
    Get rid of vegetable oils, processed foods, any type of added sugars and sweeteners, cereals, legumes. Practice intermittent and prolonged fasting. Plant based diets will make you weak, vitamin, mineral, protein deficient and sick eventually. First you will see improvements of course if you are currently practicing western style of eating.

  9. I suffered from metabolic syndrome (obesity, high cholesterol, high triglycerides, and high blood sugar). I went whole food plant based no sugar oil or salt and I lost 65 pounds, all my conditions greatly improved, my gums stopped bleeding, and erections and energy returned. I used to have an appetite that was never satisfied; whole foods cured it. I no longer use a sleep apnea machine. Finally, the food is cheap-Beans, lentils, rice, potatoes and seasonal apples. Also, I save money by not having to buy pills and visit the Doctor. I am thankful to all the vegans who suffered attacks to reveal the truth to me.

  10. This is all great information, however, with the cost of whole foods continually rising, almost no one can afford to eat a healthy diet. What the public needs is for governments to force companies to lower the prices of healthy food and raise the prices of processed and junk foods. Then we would see the population getting healthier.

  11. The Physicians Committee For Responsible Medicine tested raw chicken and found chicken feces on 48% of the meat tested. So if youโ€™re buying a package of chicken breasts, half of the package has feces on it. Enjoy eating the poo.

  12. Another documentary promoting vegetarianism. No deep merit in it and the arguments of those specialists are quite lame. I can do similar to them giving oposite opinion, here it goes:
    look at the pigs or cows, they are preety fat and big. Are they looking healty? Look at the cheetah or jaguars, they are slim and well build and they are carnivores. So which type of feeding is better? obviously carnivore diet is healtier.
    But of course that is not the point. Each animal has its own digestive system that works the best for its apecies. Human is omnivore, that means no vegetarian or carnivore diet is best for us.

  13. I will definitely continue eating my high meat, eggs diet after watching this. I was overweight, diabetic, high blood pressure, high cholesterol etc eating the diet described in the beginning of this documentary. Went keto supllemented with 48 hour fasts and intermittent fasting. Diabetes gone. Bp bavk to normal. Bloods normal. Lost a ton of weight. In great shape. Full of energy. Better sleep. Overall. Ill stick to keto.

  14. Humans werenโ€™t designed to say no to food all day for extended periods of time. If we were designed to refuse food nonstop, our ancestors wouldnโ€™t have survived. Weโ€™re designed to get as many calories as possible with the least effort. When starches, fruits and vegetables are not available, we can survive by eating animals or high-fat foods – but we arenโ€™t designed to primarily eat high-fat, fiberless foods.

    Nowadays we want to live far beyond our reproduction years. Our ancestors were primarily concerned with living to reproduction and maybe a couple decades afterward to help raise the grandkids. Life is better so we have different incentives and goals today.

    Our environment isnโ€™t natural so now itโ€™s a matter of only eating the healthiest foods AND not eating unhealthy foods – not ever because you basically canโ€™t stop eating it. The idea of never eating junk or high-fat foods almost doesnโ€™t compute in our brains because we arenโ€™t designed to turn away food.

    It takes a keen sense of whatโ€™s right and a very strong understanding of how your life is being taken from you by tasty poisons. Becoming unhealthy and sick is always an option for everyone and only takes a few weeks to be on a terrible path. Keep at it. Or donโ€™t. Only you can take you and your family down the path to wellness. Fat and products will always be extremely profitable so theyโ€™ll speak to us throughout our entire lives. Vegetables, fruits and potatoes donโ€™t have a voice. So the odds are stacked against you. You just have to know that and fight the fight.

  15. I am 40 years plant-based low fat. I look decades younger than my years, am on no medication and am an excellent shape and body weight. My sisters and other family members have been predicting my death from malnutrition since i was 19. They are not well, bloated and on statins – most are on the carnivore diet. I am very grateful i got the right information so early in my life about plant-based diets.

  16. Its going on two years of me going plant base. Me and my house hold. We absolutely love it. Feel great and look great.I really believe that a human can not go wrong by going plant based. I highly encourage it

  17. That is a fact that different health plans work different for different people. Comes to the people’s phenotype.

  18. A bunch of people yapping and flapping. No data..

    The lay who linked health with protien intake in wealthy areas… what about sugar intake?

    Tykes is such a joke.

  19. This documentary is bullshit. Steak eggs and beef dripping. Liver 3 times a week. Never felt healthier in my life. Single foods no sugar or carbs, no ultra processed food at all. 50 years old and same weight as when I was 18, actually feel fitter than I did as a kid. Dr Pamala is full of shit !!

  20. WFPB is the way to go. There is no debate on this. It is backed up by decades of studies. I am living proof myself. After cardio surgery and many years on drugs. Since WFPB 6 years ago. No more cardio issues, drugs and better than i have been for a long time.

  21. So much questionable info.. Plants in our country are far from healthy, sprayed several times before you get them, plus plants have natural toxins on their own. And of course there’s all the products made from these toxic plants. Soy, corn oil, high fructose corn syrup all plants you should eat for a shorter life.
    If our food supply was healthy then MOST diets would be fine, but it’s not. Thanks to the govt. so much garbage is even allowed to be available. KETO and EDUCATION did it for me.

  22. The benefits noticed are probably not because of avoiding meat but because of avoiding processed carbohydrate. Some doctors question whether this diet can be sustainable long term without supplementing some nutritio only available from animal sources. Even many devout Hindus, some of the most famous vegetarians, will eat eggs and eat dairy. If meat is so unhealthy how do you explain the extraordinary health of the inuit who have survived for centuries if not millenia on a meat and fish diet with no vegetables or the Massai who live mostly off meat, blood and dairy.

  23. Food Choices mostly focuses on the science behind eating a plant based diet, but then goes on to elaborate on the environment, and then the ethics. I learned that too much protein damages the body, and that fish oil doesnโ€™t help with omega 3 at all. Animal flesh is full of omega 6 which causes a disbalance of omegas within our body. I love how even now I can still find new faults about the murder diet. Apparently all the low carb diets are similar, but they gave them different names.

    This documentary features a lot of vegan authors, itโ€™s basically science after science. There were some cool vegan athletes. I feel like a lot of vegan documentaries use a very similar formula, and that it would be way more beneficial to differentiate, and cover different topics like sentience, animal biology, and diversity.

    I love that it is free on youtube like a lot of vegan documentaries. This is easily accessible, informational, straight to the point, no nonsense. Lots of people can benefit from this, and it promotes a low-fat wfpb diet which is the best diet. This is a low budget, let the experts talk documentary.

  24. We know better, we are meant to protect animals. ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿท๐Ÿฅ๐Ÿ’š๐ŸŒฑ๐Ÿฅ‘๐Ÿฅ—๐Ÿฅ•๐Ÿฅฆ๐Ÿฅฌ๐Ÿฅ’๐ŸŒฝ๐Ÿฅ”๐Ÿ ๐ŸŒถ๏ธ๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ…๐Ÿ‘๐ŸŒ๐ŸŠ๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ‹๐Ÿ‰๐Ÿ‡๐Ÿฅœ๐Ÿฅฅ๐Ÿ๐ŸŒฐ๐Ÿ‹โ€๐ŸŸฉ๐Ÿซ๐Ÿ๐Ÿซ’๐Ÿˆ๐Ÿง…๐Ÿฅ๐Ÿง„๐Ÿซ‘๐Ÿฅญ๐Ÿซ› we have plenty of other food to eat.

  25. the doctor after u aks him what to eat: yeah dude dont eat these so i wont be able to milk u 4 life… i dont like money… i like u healthy…

  26. Where are all the recipes that eat health based no processed foods????? All I find in books, plant based, all give can goods, freezer foods, oatmeal, oils. Or the latest, put everything in a dehydrated oven.

  27. I was kind of amused until they recommand the way of eating for kids. DO NOT feed your kids this way. That’s criminal. Gregor mentionnes vegan kids are taller, wtf? If you’re thinking of feeding your kids plant only please check vegan deterioration video !

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